- Download QPid from http://qpid.apache.org/download.html.
- Create an environment variable called QPID_ROOT for qpid base directory.(eg:C:\qpid\qpid-0.16)
- Installl Visual Studio 2008.
- Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Service Pack 1
- Install Boost 1.47.
- Go to the boost root directory.
- Run bootstrap.bat
- Run b2 toolset=msvc --build-type=complete stage -j<# cores>
- Include the location of the Boost library (e.g. %BOOST_ROOT%\lib) in your PATH environment variable.
- Create an environment variable called BOOST_ROOT for the root of the boost directory.
- Install SDK 3.5.
- Install NUnit.
- Build Qpid cpp
- Build CMake.
- Build python
- Build Ruby.
- Ensure that all the build tools are available on your path(Eg:PATH=C:\python25;)
- From a command prompt:
- # cd qpid\cpp
- # cmake -i -G "Visual Studio 9 2008"
- Go to \qpid-0.16\cpp. Open the qpid-cpp.sln solution, select Debug or Release, and build.
- Create an environmentvariable called QPID_BUILD_ROOT and store the path to the Qpid build directory in it.(Eg:C:\qpid\qpid-0.16\cpp)
- Open VS 2008 and build(by setting the platform target as x86)
Building and executing samples
1.Copy the dlls Apache.Qpid.Channel.dll and Apache.Qpid.Interop.dll from %QPID_ROOT%\wcf\src\Apache\Qpid\Channel\bin\x86\Debug
to the %QPID_ROOT%\wcf\samples\Channel\WCFToWCFDirect folder.
2.Build the solution WCFToWCFDirect.sln.(by setting the platform target as x86))
3.Copy qpidclientd.dll, qpidcommond.dll and qpidtypesd.dll from %QPID_ROOT%\cpp\src\Debug to bin\x86\Debug of each of the projects.
These dlls are needed at runtime.
4.Copy qpidclientd.dll, qpidcommond.dll and qpidtypesd.dll to %QPID_ROOT%\wcf\tools\QCreate\Debug folder.
5.Start the qpid broker from the qpid build folder e.g. %QPID_ROOT%\cpp\src\Debug.
command:qpidd.exe qpidd.exe --data-dir=<to place where it need to be> --auth no
(Eg:qpidd.exe --data-dir=C:\qpid\qpid-0.16\cpp\src\Debug auth no)
6.Create queue required using the QCreate tool located at
%QPID_ROOT%\wcf\tools\QCreate\Debug. The syntax is QCreate %QPID_ROOT%. For
this sample you should do
QCreate amq.direct routing_key message_queue
7. Start Service.exe from(Open the cmd as administrator)
8. Start Client.exe from
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