Thursday, November 22, 2012

Pick Payload Factory from registry in WSO2 ESB

Payload-factory mediator does is transforming message content which is also known as payload, in between client and the actual server. Incoming messages coming from the client can be transformed in to a format expected by the server by using payload-factory mediator. Then again response message can be formatted in a way that client can understand.

Payload-factory mediator has two elements namely format and args. Currently these two elements of payload-factory are defined inline. With my implementation I provide an option to pick the configuration from registry when format element is defined. What I did was, make available two options to define the format of payload factory. They are “Define inline” and pick from registry.

This project consists of mainly two parts which are back-end implementation and User Interface (UI) implementation. I started the project with back-end implementation. There were PayloadFacoryMeadiator class, PayloadFacoryMeadiatorSerializer class and PayloadFacoryMeadiatorFactory class. When payload factory is created PayloadFacoryMeadiatorSerializer serialize the payload-factory as an OMElement. When payload-factory is loaded back OMElement will be extracted by PayloadFacoryMeadiatorFactory.

When payload-factory is configured to get the format from registry, a key should be provided in the format tag. This key is the location of the format configuration file in the registry. The key is saved in PayloadFacoryMeadiator as an attribute. When transforming client’s message to the server expected format, if format is dynamic (pick from registry), format should be taken from MessageContext inside mediate method. Below figure shows how format is picked from MessageContext. Here synCtx means an instance of Message Context.

Below is the payload-factory configuration for ESB synapse configuration when format is dynamic. Here “conf” is referred to as configuration registry. Configuration of the format, dynamic_payload_1.xml, is saved inside a directory called payloadFactory in configuration directory. Configuration file’s location is given as the key of the format as described above. “args” tag defines the arguments passed to the payload-factory mediator.

<format key="conf:/payloadFactory/dynamic_payload_1.xml"/>
<arg xmlns:ns="http://org.apache.synapse/xsd"

Below figure shows the User Interface which I created for payload-factory.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Supporting Hierarchical Proxy Services

When I was in WSO2 ESB team, I got a change to contribute to ESB product in WSO2. I did an improvement to WSO2 ESB proxy services. Proxy service is an intermediate component between client program and the actual server which the client is seeking for. When a proxy service is deployed at that moment ESB save the configuration file inside ESB_HOME/repository/deployment/server/synapse-configs/default/proxy-services/ directory where all the proxy services are saved. If we deploy a proxy service named “foo” that proxy service will be saved in ESB_HOME/repository/deployment/server/synapse-configs/default/proxy-services/ as foo.xml. The service URL for that proxy service is 8280:services/foo.

Since all the proxy services are deployed under the same directory, it is very hard to manage the services for a large organization when the number of services becomes large, because they have to agree on service name before deploying them. And also supporting multiple versions of the same service is not possible without changing the service name in the services.xml file.

Therefore it was one of the requirements of ESB team to have hierarchical proxy services in WSO2 ESB. My task was to implement hierarchical proxy service in WSO2 ESB. When proxy service is created other than the name, there is an option to give service hierarchy also, but service hierarchy is an optional requirement. If service hierarchy is not given the proxy service XML file will be saved in the default directory. Below figure shows a screen shot of User interface which I created in order to add service hierarchy.

I added a new property called serviceHierarchy to the proxy service configuration when a proxy service is added. Below is the proxy service configuration for adding a proxy service named foo and service hierarchy “a/b/c/”.

     <proxy name="foo"
          transports="https http"
            <address uri="http://localhost:9000/services/SimpleStockQuoteService"/>

After deploying this proxy service, proxy configuration XML file will be saved in ESB_HOME/repository/deployment/server/synapse-configs/default/proxy-services/a/b/c/ directory. If the proxy service is removed from the ESB only the file will be deleted. The directory structure will be remained unchanged, because there will be other proxy files inside those directories.

I mainly did changes in synapse core of the ESB package. When proxy service is created ProxyserviceSerializer class serialize the proxy service as an OMElement. I added “serviceHierarchy” as an attribute of the proxy service. When ESB server starts proxy service is loaded from the OMElement by ProxyserviceFactory. Below figure shows what I described above.

Getting Started Message Broker with C#

During my internship at WSO2 I got a chance to contribute to WSO2 Message Broker (MB) by implementing a C# client for WSO2 MB.

WSO2 Message Broker didn’t have any samples in order to connect to WSO2 MB from a C# client. Since WSO2 MB gets the core support from Apache Qpid, it should be possible to connect to WSO2 MB from a C# or .Net client because C# client can connect to Apache Qpid. Apache Qpid is a cross-platform Enterprise Messaging system which implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), providing message brokers written in C++ and Java, along with clients for C++, Java JMS, .Net, Python, and Ruby. Even though there is a possibility to get the thing done, no one has tried out it with WSO2 MB.

The rest of this article will describe how to send a message to a queue in WSO2 MB using a C# client and consume that message using a C# client.

WSO2 Message Broker supports JMS, WS-Eventing, Amazon SQS and AMQP. By using AMQP we can create a .Net program to send a message to a queue in MB and retrieve that message from a .Net client or a Java client. In the rest of this tutorial I'm going to explain how to implement a .Net client to send messages to a queue and retrieve those messages using a .Net client and a Java client. When you run these programs, first run the Consumer program and then the Producer program.

Exchanges Queues and bindings in AMQP

Like any other messaging protocol AMQP also uses producers and consumers when sending and receiving messages. The responsibility of the producer is to produce the message and send it to the destination. The consumer consumes that message and processes it. It is the responsibility of the message broker to deliver the message which is produced by the producer, to the consumer.

AMQP uses two components in order to complete this task. They are exchanges and queues. Producer produces messages and delivers to the exchange. Consumer consumes messages from the queue. We use bindings to connect these two components each other. Publisher and the consumer are recognized each other via the exchange name. Usually either the publisher or the consumer create the exchange and make the name of the exchange public. The Queue should be attached to the exchange after declaring the queue. Then broker has to match the messages received by the exchange to the queue. That is done using bindings. Typically queue binding is happening at the client's side. The following diagram explains what I described above.

In order to run this code sample, you need to download and add RabbitMQ.Client.dll file as a reference in your .net project. You can download that dll file from this website

.Net Publisher:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using RabbitMQ.Client;------------------------------------------------------------------------1
namespace RabbitMQ
    class Publisher
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Publisher p=new Publisher();
                p.PublishMessage("This is a Test "+i);
                Console.WriteLine("Sent Message "+i);
             public void PublishMessage(string message)
//Setup the connection with the message broker
            ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory();-------------------------------2
            IProtocol protocol = Protocols.AMQP_0_8_QPID;
            factory.VirtualHost = "/carbon";
            factory.UserName = "admin";
            factory.Password = "admin";
            factory.HostName = "localhost";
            factory.Port = 5672;
            factory.Protocol = protocol;
                using (IConnection conn = factory.CreateConnection())
                using (IModel ch = conn.CreateModel())
                 //Declare the exchange for the publisher.Here the exchange type is direct.
ch.ExchangeDeclare("", "direct");--------------------------------------3
                 //Publish the message
        ch.BasicPublish("", "test-queue", null, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message));--------4


import the RabbitMQ.Client.dll file to the program.
Create a connection to the MB. Here I have specified the VirtualHost as “carbon”. If it is not specified it will go the default VirtualHost, “test”.
Declare the exchange type for the publisher. The queue is interested in messages from this exchange. Here the exchange type is direct. That means a message will go to the queues only if the binding key exactly matches the routing key of the message.
Publish the message. Here we need to specify the exchange type and the routing key. In this example the routing key is similar to the queue name which is “test-queue”. The next parameter is IbasicProperties. I kept it as null for this scenario. Last parameter is the message body.


This consumer program fetches messages from the queue and display them in the console. In order to run this code sample, you need to download and add RabbitMQ.Client.dll file as a reference in your .net project as mentioned above.

 using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using RabbitMQ.Client;------------------------------------------5

namespace QueueConsumer

    class QueueConsumer
        static void Main(string[] args)
            QueueConsumer qConsumer = new QueueConsumer();

        public void getMessage()
    //Setup the connection with the message broker

            ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory();-----------6
            IProtocol protocol = Protocols.AMQP_0_8_QPID;
            factory.VirtualHost = "/carbon";
            factory.UserName = "admin";
            factory.Password = "admin";
            factory.HostName = "localhost";
            factory.Port = 5672;
            factory.Protocol = protocol;
            using (IConnection conn = factory.CreateConnection())
                using (IModel ch = conn.CreateModel())


//Declare a queue to retrieve messages.

                    ch.QueueDeclare("test-queue", true, false, false, null);----7       

 //Create the binding between queue and the exchance

                    ch.QueueBind("test-queue", "", "test-queue");-----8
                    QueueingBasicConsumer consumer = new
                    while (true)-------------------------------------11
                            RabbitMQ.Client.Events.BasicDeliverEventArgs e =
                            byte[] body = e.Body;
                            string message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(body);
                        catch (OperationCanceledException e)
1. Import the dll file as mentioned above.

2. Create a connection with the message broker.

3. Declare a queue to receive messages. The first parameter is the queue name. The second parameter is durable. I kept it as true. The newt two parameters are exclusive and auto-delete. I kept it as false. The last parameter is IDictionary arguments. It is null here.

4. HereI create the binding for the queue and the exchange. Simply a binding is a relationship between an exchange and a queue. The first parameter is the queue that we want to bind. The next parameter is the exchange that we are binding with the queue and the last parameter is the routing key. Here the routing key is similar to the queue name.

5. Create a consumer to consume the messages from the queue.
6. Gets the message from the queue using the consumer created in the previous step. The first parameter is the name of the queue. I gave the name as “test-queue”. The next parameter is noAck. I kept it as false. For the next parameter I’m passing the consumer object which I created in the previous step.

7. In this infinite while loop, we listen for messages, decoding each one, and printing its body in the console.

The message which I published by the C# client can be consumed by an ordinary Java client also.